This is the era of information technology, where everything you need is available at your fingertips. The Internet has opened a door of the enormous treasure of information to everyone. In this scenario, it becomes really important to be extra cautious while using it. Here are some of the basic security tips you should follow to avoid any future crisis.
1. Use Antivirus – Always use a good antivirus. The antivirus should be strong enough to detect all the suspicious files and remove all the Malware but it should not slow down your system. Hence extra care should be taken while selecting a good antivirus from a variety of them in the market. Otherwise, it may create a nuisance to your system. You may get antivirus softwares from and keep your computer virus free.
2. Beware of malicious websites– In the course of time, the Internet has proven to be a big platform for online buying and selling any goods or services. Hence, many scammers have also got attracted towards this platform. One should take an extra care while making any type of transaction online.
3. Check Security Certificate – Always check the security certificate of any website before starting browsing over it. Security Certificates ensure that the website is safe to use and you can find the same at the left corner of the address bar.On address bar, by seeing only the colour of ‘lock’ symbol situated on the left side you can check whether the page is secure to use or not. If colour of the symbol is green then it is absolutely secure to use. If the colour of symbol is gray, then it means the validity of the security certificate is expired and if the colour of the symbol is red and its broken then its means site is not at all secure to use. If you want to get more information about security certificates, then by clicking on the lock symbol you will get it.
4. Beware about your Social Presence– SocialMedia Sites have become an integral part of everyone’s life now a days. You must be very careful while sharing your personal information on social media sites networking apps such as, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp etc. These have become the soft targets for the spammers now a days, and one can easily get deceived if proper care is not taken.
5. Suspicious Emails – Don’t get easily fooled by the spam emails ! Think Twice before you download anything from your inbox. Spammers usually send spam mails with the attractive names of girls or catchy subject line such as “You have won Lottery” or “Your Resume has been Shortlisted” etc. Don’t Open such mails and mark them as a SPAM !
6. Update your passwords Periodically– hackers usually use Permutation and Combination technique along with trial and error method to guess your password. Hence Periodically updating passwords of your social networking accounts or online banking accounts will keep you safe and away from such fraudulent activities.
7. Update your Antivirus Periodically –We saw that using antivirus is of prime importance. But more than that, updating your antivirus is also very important as functioning of an outdated antivirus software can lead to poor security to a system which can further result into a major crisis.
8. System Updating is important – Always update your Operating System. As far as security of the system is concerned, updates of operating system make it internally strong against the attacks of malware and viruses. In addition, it brings more advanced features which can be used to make extra layer of protection to your system.
9. Use of Public Wi-Fi –Don’t use public Wi-Fi for online banking transactions. But if you don’t have any option then verify all the security certificates of the website before proceeding.

11. Avoid clicking on Pop-Ups –Interrupting Pop-Ups are a real headache! But they can prove to be even more dangerous if they take you on malicious/fraudulent sites instead of desired destinations. Sometimes these pop-ups contain a destructive program (Virus) that can really harm your system and it may lead to a loss of your sensitive and valuable data! Hence extra care should be taken while handling pop-ups.
12. Do not use Pirated Softwares –Original version of any software is provided with the extra security layers and these are absent in pirated versions. Hence, pirated versions are more prone to the attacks and threat of hackers/spammers. Hence, avoid using pirated versions as far as possible.