To restrict the access by malicious elements to such an application, facial recognition system can be used. It requires the user to enroll his facial details into the system foremost. Unique and permanent features of his face are captured and stored in the system as a face template. Next time onwards, he will only have to show his face to the camera. It will be compared with the one stored in the database and access to the application will be granted if it matches.

A facial recognition system is more reliable as compared to the other modes of security like a password. It is far more accurate. The possibility of False Accept Rate and False Reject Rate is less in such a system. Besides, unlike passwords, it is hard to cheat the system. Passwords can be guessed by smart hackers. However, the case is not the same with facial recognition software. No other person can have exactly the same facial features as the concerned individual, not even identical twins!
More and more companies are shifting to this type of access control. They can better protect the data stored inside laptops and computers with the help of facial recognition system. It is superior as compared to the practice of using passwords. The user may forget the password he is using. He may have a hard time trying to access the application then, especially if he is not so technically inclined. A hacker may be able to access the application by figuring out the password or by changing the same.
This technology is currently used in accessing Personal Computers, social networking sites’ accounts, cell phones, etc. all over the world. Leading Information Technology companies like Google and Apple are resorting to the utility of facial recognition software. Its use is expected to increase in the near future. Passwords may die owing to this mechanism. It will certainly be replaced by this even advanced form of access control. Sale of facial recognition system is increasing day by day and is tried to be used wherever it fits in!
Like they say – Change is the only thing constant. This change may occur in a very short span of time. Hacking can be controlled immensely owing to this technology. It is beneficial to use facial recognition system instead of passwords in gaining access to a certain application. Advancement in technology has led to an improvement in all the fields. Access control and identity verification is no exception! Password, as compared to facial recognition software, is a primitive practice.